Monday, June 12, 2017

Enterance to Yellowstone

Now that I have been able to make my first trip of the year Yellowstone National Park I have my first opportunity to share new pictures with you of the beauty of the park during the early summer late spring season. Right now is a great time at the park since with all the moisture the water tables are still high keeping thermal features still flowing well, some of these start to slow down by the end of summer to a mere trickle. To start you off today the pictures are taken from the north entrance, the original entrance to Yellowstone National Park.

The arch in the picture called the Roosevelt Arch was built as part of the original entrance in Gardner, Montana to greet park guests as they arrive.

This is Located at Mammoth Hotsprings, this is the first town that you will come upon when coming in to the park from the north. This is a hot spring terrace that is grown with minerals over time. This is known as a travertine terrace. during the spring the colors and whites are brighter with the higher water tables, by the end of the summer some of the water flows begin to slow a bit and some of the bright areas will begin to dull a bit.

In the town of Mammoth through out the year elk will hang around. During the fall, it is a great sight to see the bull elk laying around in the grass with the huge antlers.

This is Floating Island lake located about 10 miles east of Mammoth. This is a place that I have seen bears in the past. Bison and water fowl and elk are not uncommon to find here at any time though.

This is taken in the Lamar valley in the north end of Yellowstone Park. At the far end of the field is a heard of bison. Up the road about 12 miles there was a mom wolf with cubs the we were able to stop and watch for a few minutes. Unfortunately  I don't own a lens that I can use to photograph at that great a distance, I do own a spotting scope I could use to just watch. I'm not sure how far they were, but if I had to guess I would say maybe a couple miles. One day hopefully I will have a lens that can do that, but it  cost about $16,899, so it won't be any time soon.

So be sure to grab your camera and if you have any type of park to get out and enjoy it and take pictures while you do. Have fun and be safe till next time.

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